7 Days DSA Preparation Plan for Coding Interview

DSA Preparation Plan for Coding Interview


  1. Kadane’s Algorithm (maximum sum subarray)
  2. N/K Repeat number
  3. 3 sum
  4. Kth smallest/Largest number (using quickselect)
  5. All sorting algorithms
  6. All searching algorithms
  7. Trapping Rainwater Problem

π‹πˆππŠπ„πƒ π‹πˆπ’π“

  1. Reverse LL in blocks of size K (LL-> Linked List)
  2. Reorder List
  3. Merge 2 sorted lists
  4. Cycle detection/removal in LL
  5. Add 2 numbers given as a linked list


  1. Implement stack
  2. Stock Span Problem
  3. Implement Queue using stack
  4. Valid Parenthesis Problem


  1. Implement Queue
  2. Implement Stack using Queue
  3. Circular Tour Problem


  1. KMP Pattern Matching algorithm
  2. Rabin Karp Algorithm (Rolling Hash)
  3. Reverse all words in a text
  4. Prefix->Postfix, Postfix->Infix etc. conversions
  5. Word break problem (Dynamic Programming)
  6. Group Anagrams

𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐇 (πŒπ€π)

  1. Implement Hash
  2. 4 Sum
  3. Longest Substring without repeating characters


  1. Heap Implementation
  2. Build Heap
  3. Heap sort
  4. Merge K-sorted Lists
  5. Last Stone Weight

𝟐-𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐒𝐱

  1. Rotate Matrix by 90/180/270
  2. Rotate matrix spiral rings like a rotating spiral lock

π’πžπ π¦πžπ§π­ π“π«πžπž

  1. Implement Segment Tree
  2. Range Sum Query
  3. Range Minimum Query
  4. Implement Lazy Propagation in Segment Tree

𝐁𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱𝐞𝐝 π“π«πžπž

  1. Implement BIT
  2. The Skyline Problem


  1. Count the number of strings with a given prefix
  2. Largest duplicate substring

πƒπ²π§πšπ¦π’πœ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐒𝐧𝐠

  1. Count Subsets with Sum X (Knapsack)
  2. Target Sum Problem
  3. Coin Change Problem
  4. Coin Change 2
  5. Longest Repeating Subsequence (LCS variant)
  6. Russian Doll Envelope (LIS variant )
  7. Minimum Edit Distance
  8. Kadane’s Algo
  9. Unique Paths 2 (DP on GRID)
  10. Matrix Chain Multiplication (Balloon Burst Problem)
  11. Egg Dropping Problem (MCM variant)


  1. DFS/BFS algorithm
  2. Number of islands
  3. Topological Sort (Course schedule 2)
  4. Tarjan’s Algorithm

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