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DSA Preparation Plan for Coding Interview
- Kadane’s Algorithm (maximum sum subarray)
- N/K Repeat number
- 3 sum
- Kth smallest/Largest number (using quickselect)
- All sorting algorithms
- All searching algorithms
- Trapping Rainwater Problem
ππππππ ππππ
- Reverse LL in blocks of size K (LL-> Linked List)
- Reorder List
- Merge 2 sorted lists
- Cycle detection/removal in LL
- Add 2 numbers given as a linked list
- Implement stack
- Stock Span Problem
- Implement Queue using stack
- Valid Parenthesis Problem
- Implement Queue
- Implement Stack using Queue
- Circular Tour Problem
- KMP Pattern Matching algorithm
- Rabin Karp Algorithm (Rolling Hash)
- Reverse all words in a text
- Prefix->Postfix, Postfix->Infix etc. conversions
- Word break problem (Dynamic Programming)
- Group Anagrams
ππππ (πππ)
- Implement Hash
- 4 Sum
- Longest Substring without repeating characters
- Heap Implementation
- Build Heap
- Heap sort
- Merge K-sorted Lists
- Last Stone Weight
π-π ππππ«π’π±
- Rotate Matrix by 90/180/270
- Rotate matrix spiral rings like a rotating spiral lock
πππ π¦ππ§π ππ«ππ
- Implement Segment Tree
- Range Sum Query
- Range Minimum Query
- Implement Lazy Propagation in Segment Tree
ππ’π§ππ«π² ππ§πππ±ππ ππ«ππ
- Implement BIT
- The Skyline Problem
- Count the number of strings with a given prefix
- Largest duplicate substring
ππ²π§ππ¦π’π ππ«π¨π π«ππ¦π¦π’π§π
- Count Subsets with Sum X (Knapsack)
- Target Sum Problem
- Coin Change Problem
- Coin Change 2
- Longest Repeating Subsequence (LCS variant)
- Russian Doll Envelope (LIS variant )
- Minimum Edit Distance
- Kadaneβs Algo
- Unique Paths 2 (DP on GRID)
- Matrix Chain Multiplication (Balloon Burst Problem)
- Egg Dropping Problem (MCM variant)
- DFS/BFS algorithm
- Number of islands
- Topological Sort (Course schedule 2)
- Tarjanβs Algorithm
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